Anna’s Internship at Labora
Anna’s Internship at Labora

Anna’s Internship at Labora

I did my internship at Labora as a part of my design studies. I was expecting something unusual even before the internship – and I got exactly what I was searching for. A special place where I could get inspired by the people and their culture. I also took it as...
Seed Bombs!

Seed Bombs!

It’s sunny, it’s spring, it’s… still kind of grey-ish in Estonia. It’s the perfect time for guerilla gardening! Seed bombs are an easy way to start and to get kids involved. Make some seed bombs together, get messy, and then go and bomb...
Moritz, His Internship and Animation

Moritz, His Internship and Animation

До свидания Таллинн, красивый город! With these few words of my very bad Russian, I would like to start writing about my internship here in Tallinn. They became more representative of my whole experience, than one might think. The more time I spent at the Ukrainian...