by Veronika | dets. 13, 2018 | Loomeprotsess
EA Johnson is in town, meeting with Labora’s makers. You can see what else he has been up to at Enjoy his interview with Nestor Ljutjuk. “Nestor! Open the floor!” – Нестор! Открой пол! And with these three magic words, I met Nestor. Of...
by Veronika | dets. 11, 2018 | Loomeprotsess
Our CREAM project partners visited us at Labora to try out a selection of the various workshops we offer. One of the most open-ended workshops we lead is Experimenting with Photopolymer and the results from the CREAM visit provide a nice opportunity to share insights...
by Piia | dets. 4, 2018 | News
Ja 30. novembriga lõppeski meie viimane õpituba pikemast töötubade seeriast. Meie jaoks oli hindamatu kogemus töötada nii paljude erinevate lastega. Lapsed rikastasid meie tööpäevi oma kreatiivsuse ja entusiasmiga. Oleme nüüd kindlasti paremad juhendajad tänu kõigile...