by Veronika | mai 7, 2018 | Loomeprotsess
EA Johnson is in town, meeting with Labora’s makers. You can see what else he has been up to at Enjoy his interview with Daniel Rahuvarm. If you happen to spot a young man walking around Tallinn – or his home town of Haapsalu – wearing a...
by Veronika | märts 21, 2018 | News
The Ukrainian Cultural Center in Tallinn has launched a crowd-funding campaign to republish a new and improved facsimile edition of The Poetics of Endangered Species book! Read the whole story, watch the video, and support us here! Why are we republishing the...
by Veronika | märts 1, 2018 | Loomeprotsess
EA Johnson is in town, meeting with Labora’s makers. You can see what else he has been up to at Enjoy his interview with Vaikelu’s creators Mirjam Parve and Ragne Schults. Forget about drying the fragile flowers you’ve gathered by...
by Veronika | veebr. 28, 2018 | News
Näitusel on eksponeeritud Heino Kivihalli ja tema õpilaste Tatiana Iakovleva, Anu Karjatse ning Tallinna Kalligraafiakooli õpilaste tööd läbi aegade. Heino Kivihall ütleb: “Kalligraaf ei ole masin. Ta töötab aeglaselt. Tema kätt ja vaimu juhib aastatuhandete...
by Veronika | veebr. 19, 2018 | News
Do you know that feeling you get when you‘re having friends come over for a visit? Especially those who live a long way off and only show up once in a while? That’s the feeling we had when we welcomed Alexander Vasin and Natalia Velchinskaya, graphic designers and...