by Veronika | okt. 30, 2018 | News
Hi, I am Masha, 26. I’m originally from Russia and I’ve been living in Tartu, Estonia, for 6 years now. If everything goes well, I’m going to graduate from Tartu Art College (Kunstikool Pallas) and get a BA degree in Media and Advertisement next spring (2019). I went...
by Veronika | okt. 9, 2018 | News
Photos and text by our former intern Egle.
by Veronika | sept. 11, 2018 | News
Laupäeval, 15. septembril 2018. a esitlevad Tallinna Ukraina Kultuurikeskus ja selle Labora töötoad oma uut Poeetilise punase raamatu väljaannet, et tähistada Eesti 100. aastapäeva ja ülistada meie maa floora ja fauna mitmekesist ilu. Sel puhul avab Ukraina...
by Veronika | sept. 10, 2018 | Loomeprotsess
EA Johnson is in town, meeting with Labora’s makers. You can see what else he has been up to at Enjoy his interview with Marian Habicht about how she brings medieval binding techniques to life. A blank page. An empty notebook. Sometimes...
by Veronika | juuli 13, 2018 | Loomeprotsess
EA Johnson is in town, meeting with Labora’s makers. You can see what else he has been up to at Enjoy his interview with Agnes Liiv about her ceramics and her Kalamaja garden which inspires her. Agnes explains Estonia’s burdock and...