by Veronika | juuni 22, 2018 | News
In Labora I found a place of great inspiration and extraordinary people. They taught me a lot about printing techniques and gave me the opportunity to develop my personal work. Initially, I did not have a clear idea about what artwork to create. I started off by...
by Veronika | juuni 1, 2018 | News
Kutsume kõiki soovijaid! 2. juunil kell 15.00 Grusbeke taguses tornis (Laboratooriumi 33) toimub näituse pidulik avamine. Avamise raames esineb vanamuusikaansambel Rondellus. Sellel päeval on võimalik kalligraafi juhendamisel valmistada endale pilliroost sulg, millega...