
Introduction to the various
pre-18th century
Cyrillic writing styles
18:00 – 19:30
3th of February to 21st of April 2025
Price: 280 euro
Teacher: Tatiana Iakovleva
Languages: EST, RUS, ENG
The second part of the course is dedicated to “Ustav”. Here we consider the first Cyrillic books, such as “The Gospel of Ostromirov” (1056-1057), and “The Psalter of Kiev”. Learn the techniques of the old masters, explore the manuscripts and find out what a compound letter is. You will also have the opportunity to make your own reed pen for writing.
“Skoropos” roughly corresponds to the Latin italics concept. Think of a 15th century handwritten Cyrillic letter, characterized by a flowing and bold calligraphic character. The letters are interconnected, in subtle and complex constellations, with a variety of signs, hooks and attachments that at first glance appear difficult to read. In this part of the course, you will learn how letters were written and documents prepared. You will learn how to cut a bird feather into a quill. You will become familiar with the interweaving of letters, ligatures and abbreviations. Each writer had their own characteristic handwriting, so you too will learn to write with your own feelings and emotions, achieving a skilled means of expression. Welcome to the exciting world of calligraphy – travel through time and writing!

This course is aimed to introduce participants to historical calligraphy styles and gives a general overview on how handwriting was being developed.
On Wednesdays
18.00 – 19.30
5th of February – 23th of April 2025
Price: 280 eur
Teacher: Tatiana Iakovleva
Previous calligraphy experience is not mandatory.
Languages: EST, ENG, RUS
The first part will be dedicated to the historical calligraphy cursives (from 2nd till 12th century) what will
create a start for the following letter and handwriting understanding.
You will receive the basic calligraphy knowledge, will get familiar with broad-edged tools and try to
replicate such types of Roman cursives as RUSTICA, SQUARE ITALIAN (HEBREW – RUUTKAPITAAL),
UNCIAL, as well as Gothic handwriting – GOTHIC TEXTURAL CURSIVE.
You will receive historical as well as modern examples of texts where the above styles are used.
After the course, you will be able to create own calligraphy composition based on the knowledge and
skills you got.
In the second part, we will continue studying the main historical cursive styles. Following the historical patterns, you will get to know how the handwriting was being developed from the 12th century until nowadays.
You will get familiar with the decorative LOMBARDIA VERSAL from Gothic calligraphy. Studying the
Renaissance, we will pay attention to ITALIC CURCIVES and will finish our studies with COPPERPLATE or
English pointed cursive.
This course will help you to obtain skills in using pointed nibs as well as present to you modern
calligraphy tools.
Using received knowledge and skills, you will be able to create own calligraphy composition.
Курс посвящен знакомству с историческими стилями письма и дает общее представление о
развитие письменности.
Этот восьмимесячный курс поможет вам в освоении базовых каллиграфических знаний.
По средам, с 18.00 до 19.30
5 февраля – 23 апреля 2025 г.
Преподаватель: Татьяна Яковлева
Цена: 280€
Каллиграфический опыт не обязателен
Язык: Эст, Анг, Рус
Во второй части курса мы продолжим изучать основные исторические стили письма.
На базе исторических образцов вы узнаете о том, как развивалось письмо, начиная с 12 века и до
настоящего времени.
Вы узнаете о ЛОМБАРДСКИХ ВЕРСАЛАХ и о курсивных почерках, таких как ИТАЛЬЯНСКИЙ (ITALIC) и
Этот курс поможет вам овладеть остроконечными инструментами, а также вы узнаете о
разнообразии современных каллиграфических инструментов.
На основе полученных знаний и навыков вы сможете создать свою каллиграфическую

On Fridays
18.00 – 19.30
7th of February – 25th of April 2025
Price: 280 eur
Teacher: Tatiana Iakovleva
Previous calligraphy experience is not mandatory.
Languages: EST, RUS, ENG
This course will engage you with a world of wonderful calligraphy lines; delicate, accurate and ornate
forms. It will introduce you to one of the most beloved calligraphy styles – English cursive or
During 12 classes you will learn the techniques of writing with the pointed nib. Starting from the
simplest elements and handwriting exercises, we will step by step come closer to the complicated
letters, strokes and monograms, getting better at the rhythm and harmony of the English cursive.
Putting together all received knowledge and skills, our participants will create own artwork at the end of
the course.
По пятницам
с 18.00 до 19.30
7 февраля – 25 апреля 2025
Цена: 280€
Преподаватель: Татьяна Яковлева
Каллиграфический опыт не обязателен
Язык: Рус, Эст, Анг
Этот курс поможет вам окунуться в мир прекрасных каллиграфических линий, утонченных, легких
и витиеватых форм и познакомится с одним из самых любимых каллиграфических стилей письма
– Английским курсивом или Copperplate.
В течении 12 занятий вы освоите технику письма остроконечным пером. Начиная от самых
простых элементов и упражнений в прописях, мы плавно будем переходить к сложным формам
букв, росчеркам и вензелям, постепенно осваивая ритм и гармонию «Английского курсива».
Опираясь на полученные знания и опыт, по итогам курса, участники создадут каллиграфические
свои композиции.